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What happened to Abebe Balcha and Felflu?

Artist Ababa Balcha Qoricho, who is perhaps considered as one of the greatest movie stars in this country is an Oromo. In fact recently, at a conference prepared by the Oromo Movie and Theater Association, Ababa Balcha gave training and shared his experience on how to expand and grow the Oromos movie industry with our artists. This is really a wonderful start. We really need to work with each other to help our art and movie industry to grow. he Cinema of Ethiopia and the film industry in general is a relatively recent phenomenon in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian film industry is growing, but faces many problems that have prevented it from fully flourishing.[1] Historically live stage theater enjoyed more popularity in Ethiopia, creating a handful of relatively successful stage actors.[1] Ethiopian films began modernizing since 2000s, implementing Amharic language, but due to wide home video and DVD distribution, it often frustrated by copyright infringement in presence of piracy. This was reduced in early 2010s with an intervention of government and imposition of policy. Despite recently developing, the Ethiopian film production continued to be lack of complement quality in relation to world premiere with low budget amateurish style.

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